What is the Bible
Have you ever been curious what the Bible is realy about? What exactly is the Bible and why is this important to me, today?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the world today, worn out by all of the social “MEdia” and negative news that bombards your news feeds daily? Well there is good news, there is hope in this hopeless world. More…
Have you ever been curious what the Bible is realy about? What exactly is the Bible and why is this important to me, today?
Over the years, I have witnessed a slow fade and deterioration of our values, morals, and what we consider good and evil. I also see this “national apathy,” if you will, toward any of this societal deterioration. Why is that?
This prayer was heavy on my heart this morning and I wanted to share it with you. Our country is in trouble as you may know and God’s people need to pray and pray...
The decline of the Church – The decline of a nation I wasn’t sure how to begin this blog; I have so much on my mind and within my heart. So I decided to...
Is the past in the present? In everyone’s life, there comes a time when we begin to reflect back on how far we have come on this journey called life. I’ve heard people say,...